12:26 PM

Cyber Stalker ... And pretty proud of it

Hi Mary! Do you remember the days when you would be set up on a blind date by your friend and all the information you got was his name? I'd always be so curious, wanting to know if Bill was cute, stylish, or even funny. Well now thanks to Google search and Facebook, I can find out almost anything. I've gone so far as to have friends Facebook someone so I can get the info. I'm so crafty at my P.I. work that I've been nicknamed Harriet the Spy.
But the question is, does it taint that first meeting? Does knowing he has 474 friends or that he travels with his family on European vacations (Facebook photo albums can give you a lot of info) set you up for investing too much? I mean if the guy's Facebook is set to public (or even a certain network) you can find out a lot --- and tell yourself he's perfect! All the while, you're forgetting that you don't even know him!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes pictures of bad sideburns can keep your expectations in check. I mean, just as an example. ;)